Scientific Work
The promotion and dissemination of scientific work is directly linked with the operation of ELEPAP. It aims at the continuous improvement of the provided services of the integrated interdisciplinary rehabilitation programs of ELEPAP and the provision of reliable information and awareness through telematics services, newsletters, and networking. All scientific activities are approved and followed by the Scientific Committee of ELEPAP.
ELEPAP enhances the implementation of innovative pilot programs and organizes conferences /workshops and seminars of continuing training for the scientific personnel. ELEPAP participates in conferences with speeches and posters and promotes cooperation with universities and centers of rehabilitation in Greece and abroad. ELEPAP supports the implementation of research projects and thesis proposals and provides the possibility to graduate and post-graduate students to complete their practical training and to young therapists to acquire work experience in rehabilitation, all under the supervision of ELEPAP’s experienced personnel. Finally, ELEPAP participates in joint activities with schools and universities in order to foster integration, awareness and acceptance in society.
Implementation of innovative pilot programs
- ELEPAP at Home
- Go Baby Go
- Family Support Programs
Organization of Conferences